Monday, April 20, 2009


It's quite a long time that I didn't meet you all d....
(except chee la...i'm her roomate ma...haha)
how's ur life??
having fun everyday ?
busy with the new tarc freeze project ?
hope that you all can be healthy everyday ....
don't fall sick yea~
and have fun like last time....
You all are too extraordinary that can handle so many things at the same time...
geng ar....
Oh yea!!!!
Since long time din see you all jor...
when we can hang out again to yum cha or what so ever ??
think about it la....

Thursday, December 4, 2008

My 101 Dream List...

1. 起一栋属于我自己的大楼,我的世界,共有40楼高。
2. 建一个世界上最大的摩天轮在我的大楼顶楼。
3. 开一场我个人的大型演唱会,在大楼里面的舞台。
4. Sign Up林宥嘉,让他成为我四个Ace其中一个。
5. 换一架最新款,最In,最快的Laptop。
6. 申请一个broadband,让自己用着最新的Laptop到处都可以上网。
7. 看林俊杰的演唱会,要买VVIP票的。
8. 上Mount Everest上面,插上Gen X-Team的旗子。
9. 学会变魔术,然后跟我的将军-林宥嘉较量一下。
10. 带我的父母环游整个中国的每一个角落。
11. 用自己的钱买一辆属于自己的车子。
12. 克服自己怕鸟,怕动物的心态,变得更勇敢!
13. 去New Zealand呼吸新鲜空气。
14. 看一场很美很美的流星雨。
15. 买一艘潜水艇,潜在海里探险一个月。
16. 买给爸爸妈妈一人一辆车,任他们选择要什么款式。
17. 学会真正的唱歌技巧,唱歌给会欣赏我歌声的人听。
18. 给爸爸妈妈一人一张unlimited的credit卡。
19. 去北海道滑雪,享受白白一片的舒服及宁静。
20. 为我的将军-林宥嘉良身订造一首歌,然后跟他合唱。
21. 买很多双名牌球鞋送给张温柔。
22. 买一只Koala Bear回来养。
23. 考到驾飞机的驾照。
24. 建一个私人停机场。
25. 买一架自己的私人飞机。
26. 驾着自己的私人飞机飞去台北101大楼。
27. 拿到林宇中亲手送给我的2008年奥运火炬。
28. 跟贺军翔合拍一部MV。
29. 在2月5日11.29pm的时候,放一场很大的烟花庆祝自己的生日。
30. 去台湾吃冰淇淋和珍珠奶茶。
31. 去Australia买很多很多Chocolate回来送朋友。
32. 买2架最新款而且function很好又很美的手机。
33. 跟Jack去全世界十大刺激的Theme Park玩到够本。
34. 拥有很多的时间,要什么时候睡觉就什么时候睡觉。
35. Sponsor张温柔球队的费用。
36. 买一个机器人回家照顾我的父母,帮忙他们做事情。
37. 买一艘游艇,可以随时出海看风景。
38. 和我爱的人一起在游艇看日出。
39. 学会如何溜冰,突破自己。
40. 去哈尔滨看冰雕,在冰湖上溜冰。
41. 找回小学很喜欢的一个转校而且没有联络同学-林晓盈。
42. 和我爱的人一起潜入海底,寻找美丽的珊瑚海。
43. 带我爸爸回去中国家乡,顺便探望我姑姑和伯母。
44. 亲手煮一顿丰富的晚餐给auntie mummy和uncle papa吃。
45. 买一架速度很快的相机,拍下夜晚的闪电。
46. 买一辆跑车,在阳明山玩飘移。
47. 设计一系列很有自己风格的珠宝,用自己喜欢的名字做牌子。
48. 抽出一个月的时间,陪auntie mummy和uncle papa去欧洲旅行。
49. 召开一个艺人聚会,邀请有资格的艺人参加。
50. 帮助康健新赚钱,让他还完所有家里负的债。
51. 跟一大班好朋友一起去富士山看雪。
52. 出一张限量版的个人专辑,只送给我认为对我来说重要的人。
53. 请一个专业按摩师专帮妈妈按摩。
54. 跟一大班好朋友一起去台湾也是狂吃。
55. 想办法教育好妈妈的小女儿,不要给她机会让父母受伤害。
56. 请吴荟倪老师吃大餐。
57. 学会如何弹出最动人的歌曲。
58. 去印尼探望沅欢,给她一个surprise。
59. 买一架扬琴送给康健新。
60. 买一架白色的钢琴和一架透明玻璃钢琴放在我大楼里的音乐厅。
61. 学会讲各国语言,环游世界就很方便了。
62. 和我爱的人一起从万里长城的一端,手牵手走到另一端。
63. 养一群可爱的海豚在我家的游泳池里。
64. 变成一个万能的电唱机,当重要的人物想听什么歌,我随时都能唱。
65. 和我爱的人去巴黎铁塔下喝咖啡。
66. 一个人到埃及金字塔探险。
67. 约所有对我有教育之恩的老师,当面跟他们道谢。
68. 和我爱的人,一起成为第一对坐上我建的摩天轮绕一整天的人。
69. 邀请我的好朋友们坐上我的摩天轮。
70. 自己当导演,拍一部电影。
71. 在结婚的时候,举行一场世纪最完美最浪漫的婚礼。
72. 跟David Beckham和他可爱的儿子拍照。
73. 收集所有好听的CD,每个至少3套。
74. 拍下365天的日出,还有365天的日落。
75. 每到一个国家,就在那边买一间屋子。
76. 去南极看企鹅。
77. 去北极看北极熊。
78. 每一部电影上映的时候,邀请好朋友到我大楼里面的电影院一起看。
79. 在我大楼的K房里帮每一个好朋友庆祝生日。
80. 和我爱的人一起出一张专辑(全部都是自己作词,作曲)
81. 拍下我的孩子一天一天的长大。
82. 抽出很多时间陪父母聊天。
83. 陪着auntie mummy和uncle papa一起走完他们的人生。
84. 收集全世界国家的钱币还有邮票。
85. 吃遍全世界最好吃的食物。
86. 开世界巡回钢琴演奏会。
87. 收集世界各地所有乐器。
88. 找一些科目进修,提升自己的知识。
89. 跟所有在我生命出现过的好朋友永远保持联络。
90. 和我爱的人乘搭自己的私人飞机环游全世界。
91. 出钱出力帮助需要帮助的不幸人士。
92. 给我的孩子一个温暖,幸福及美满的家庭。
93. 和我的家人快乐的生活在一起。
94. 写一本自传,讲述我实现梦想的过程,并拍成电影。
95. 成为公司的V-Partner。
96. 在三年之内Financial Freedom,跟大众宣布退休。
97. Expand Market到世界至少300个国家。
98. 跟所有business partner一起成功。
99. 能够很好的控制自己的情绪,很容易冷静处理事情。
100. 我爱的人也是爱我的人。
101. 实现前面100个梦想之后,上电视告诉全世界“我成功了”

Friday, November 21, 2008

long time no see

i really hope that
friendship forever
i am wrong
our friendship cannot last longer

why we friend
Just for the project
Just for fundraising
after project
all of us missing
who will miss each other
no one
who will think to hv gathering
who will sms each other
how about other... ...

if all of you still care about our FRIENDSHIP
still treat us like friend

when we can out together?

post by :

Monday, November 3, 2008


hey my fren...
our blog started to rott...
wat happen actually???
i though u all say u wanour friendship 2 last long???
u all say friendship forever???
but plz think ...
did u all do something to hold our friendship???
u all sure our friendship can last long???

i remember somebody say,
our friendship wont last more than 3 months...
n i oso remember that when that person said this,
most of u all feel angry...
n promised will do something to hold our friendship...
but now,
i agreed what tat person say...
our friendship jus last not more than 3 months...

plz think,
got how many of u will sms others to ask whether they're fine anot???
got how many of u will sms others to go hav a drink together???
got how many of u will think of having a gathering together???
i think none...

n even nobody will c this post...
m i rite???

Monday, September 29, 2008

Life IS a SONG.....SING it...!






Thursday, August 28, 2008

DaRe To DrEAM!

How long have we never been thinking of our DREAM?
for me,
it had been a long time...
dat i had forgotten how to dream...

No one ever remind me about DREAM..
what they ever care about is REALITY...
What makes the children so special?
only one thing...
they DREAM BIG and have BIG DREAM =)

when we were young and naive,
we tend to dream everyday...

we dream that we would fly in the sky,
dream that we can walk on a rainbow,
dream that we would become santa claus...

those DreaMs...
had been embedded by FACTS and REALITY in the past...

at the same time,
we learnt a new word,

I've also think the same way like someone does,
Dreams come true is just so IMPOSSIBLE to happen.

But hey!
im wrong.

when im writting down my 101 dreams,
i suddenly realised many of them are actually attainable,
just that,
i'd forgotten about them.
what more talking about working to achieve them.

People tend to forget things fast.
So do I.

But im glad that i stayed with a gang of people who have DreAms.
and it makes me remind about my dreams every now and then.

Thanks to BiG JaCk.
He's the one reminded me that i had a dream,
dreams i mean.

Dreams do come true.
Without that possibility,
nature would not incite us to have them.

Write down your 101 dreams today,
and you will find out 101 dreams are just too little.
you stil have lots and lots in your mind.

Those who dream by day are more cognizant about
many things that missed by those that only dream at night.

Monday, August 25, 2008

~ About Myself ~

Below is what my different friends tell about me !!!

Jasmine :
Getting know you around two months, well, not yet but going to be.. Never thought that we can actually get along so well and become so close . =)

Back to the very first day I met you, I don't really have any special impression on you as I just say "Hi" to you and Kenny in the library when I met up with Jack.

Getting know you better on the second time we met, in the discussion room of library. Chatted kinda long with you about your jobs and your problems ( as I thought ). And my impression on you that time is that you are a quiet girl and easily stress up.

But I'm so wrong that time, haha!!! I was actually proud to have you as a close friend of mine. Normally, I am always the one to stand up to so call "protect" my friend. But you make me feel that you are actually protecting me. Ahahaha =p

When I was sick, I was actually very touched when you voice out to keep other silent. It might be a very small action but ir touched my heart. I sweared!!!
I knew you're someone who will give all out for those ppl you think are important. Thanks for making me ont of them.

One thing I must say, you have a sweet voice. Everyone who have a sincere heart own the beautifulness in this world. So do you.

Last thing for you, thanks for being my friend. I was so glad that I met you in my life. You know I'm going to stick to you as long as I can. xD

It is never easy to meet a friend like you : kind, lovely, elegant, active, funny, sincere, and... I know you don't like this but still I must say : ...hmph... Cut3 ^^

Levin :
- 非常少联络
- 甚至没有任何谈话和接触
- 那时候我并不清楚谁是你
- 并没有任何的兴趣去发掘你
- 也感觉到你并没有任何的目的进Pro A.

- 开始有一点的改观
- 也比较容易的进入你的世界
- 也比较的开朗比起之前
- 话题和问题也比较多了。
- 最重要的是肯放开自己的心去接受别人的看法和意见

- 心情,脾气和其他都呈现出原来的样子。
- 也肯热情的去接受和采用所有的看法。

Hazel : ( my secondary school mate )
She is a fun and very cheerful friend to be with, always making jokes. With Su Han around, anyone's spirit can be lifted. She is open minded as well, making it easy for friends to approach and talk to her about problems faced.

Even though she is always joyful and can be rather playful at times, she knows when it is time for her to be serious about things, especially in her studies. She may seem as though she doesn't study much but her results are always good in the end. Su Han is a very intelligent girl and she has always been a great friend to be around.

Lastly, with her character I think she will have a bright future and be able to evercome any endcavours in her life without much struggle.

yuen huan ( my best best best best friend )


Carmen : ( my secondary school class mate )
Su Han is a unique person. If you do not know her, you will think that she is a very cool person. Actually, after you get to know her, she is a very humorous and friendly person. When she is around us, she will have a lot of jokes to share with us and bring us a lot of laughter. As a friend of her, I feel glad. When I am sick or needed help, she will always concern about me and help me. Besides that, Su Han is a person that you cannot simply messes around with. When she feels unhappy or angry, she will not have the mood to talk to anyone else. As a conclusion, I feel happy to be her friend.

Night ( my on9 friend )


By : Su Han