Saturday, August 9, 2008


hai~ this is the
1st blog i have
time i write in this blog....haha

im glad to have you all here...

urm...what is the purpose of living?
is growth....
from a newborn to a child,a child to a teenager.....
besides physically,
we also grow in mentality,
which is the major road to make us
meet with SUCCESS n BLISS

This is the main point....haha
we are the learning team
i think this is the reason y we are together
we are here to learn to discover the world

sharing is learning
as we are NORMAL HUMAN
we are not perfect......
we need to learn from each other
to become a better person

....EMPTY CUP....

3 Kisses:

Unknown said...

AgreE!!! V gather not just because of the project or a task.without a project or a task, v stil can gather as a team(or sumbody prefer to call it friend group), and share our thoughts.Ryte?

BubbL3 PaRadisE said...

ya...we will always b a TEAM...
if we wan...

BubbL3 PaRadisE said...

Think about it, today if there is no Project A, will you all still meet each other? - Why -

Like what Joanne said, want to meet with SUCCESS and BLISS, - Why - Then only you will think about HOW isn't it?

-EMPTY CUP- How empty is yours?

- Captain Jack -